Monday, November 17, 2008

Gratitude Journal

A few months ago I found myself complaining to my Mother Dear about a lot of things that I seemed to take for granted. She had no problem putting me right back in place, which made me be humble, then challenged me to start a Gratitude Journal. I am to write down 5 things everyday that I am grateful for. She said that I will soon find it hard to think of 5 things, once I am humble enough because I will know what is most important.

I know that I have been doing this for a few months, but it really has seemed to help me spiritually stay grounded on what is really important in life. I love my Gratitude Journal. I love that I can express what I am grateful for that day. I love that when my children grow up and are going through my things one day (hopefully a long time from now) that they will see that I was humble, that I was grateful for Many things, and that I journaled.

I challeng you to start a Gratitude Journal, if you haven't already have, and try hard to keep up with writing what you are most grateful for that day. They most certainly don't have to be in order, mine aren't. I date my entries everyday and mine look something like this:

1.) Family
2.) Manners
3.) Education
4.) The Gospel
5.) my calling

This is what I am grateful for today. Last Sunday, was fast Sunday and I was late for Church. I did hear a few members give their testimonies about what is really important in this life. That cars, clothing, trendy items, and home decor weren't the important things in life. He (let's call him BOB) said that we don't take any of those things to the Celestial Kingdom with us, but we do take our knowledge. We take our knowledge of education, the scriptures, the teachings we learned over the years in church. Hearing this really hit home for me. I feel that I look differently about life (maybe it's because I am somewhat maturing too) and my daily routine. I now can't wait to read my scriptures, say my prayers, and last but not least is write in my gratitude journal. :) I have found it a little challenging to find 5 things that I am most grateful for (and not repeating the same things everyday) but days like today, it was not hard for me to do so.

I know with Thanksgiving coming up, this should not be hard to do. I feel that November is the month to be thankful for everything. I truly love this holiday and it is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. I love to feel humble and I love to really ponder on what is most important in life.


Allison said...

Isn't it nice that we celebrate Thanksgiving and have a chance to express feelings of gratitude that we might not take the time to do otherwise before things get out of hand and crazy with December and Christmas shopping? I know I'm grateful for that! It's so easy to get swept away in it all. It's good to keep ourselves grounded in things that are really important and focus on the big picture.

julie herrell said...

I love your idea. I think I will try doing this with my kids and at family scripture reading each night having the kids put theirs down too. Sometimes our kids don't realize how lucky they are to have what they do. Perfect time of year to start it. Thanks for sharing.

Allison said...

I couldn't find my Ensign today and had two visiting teaching appointments so I used this idea in my message. Perfect timing on the post, thanks!